Call for submissions

Towards new futures of child and youth development: Critical and sustainable approaches to well-being in complex times

We welcome submissions to be considered for publication in our twenty-eighth issue of LEARNing Landscapes in Spring 2024. Popular media and research highlight increasing worries about young people, particularly in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and climate injustice. These include rising mental distress, educational non-completion, changes in long-standing traditions of educational pathways, challenges with transitions to employment and further education, and housing, health, and environmental crises. We encourage submissions that seek to ask questions of and about child and youth wellbeing, offer radically transformative ways to rethink how we do well-being, show with examples, rather than just tell, include multiple forms of representation, and showcase diverse voices.
Generally, manuscripts should be 4000-6000 words in Microsoft Word (Times New Roman 12-point font) and formatted according to APA style guidelines. Visuals and other forms of representation are welcome and may be shorter. All submissions should include keywords, an abstract of not more than 100 words and a biography of about 100 words accompanied by a digital photograph and two manuscripts, one blinded for review (see checklist here). Any graphics should be in JPEG format (highest possible resolution; minimum 150 dpi), with articles sent as attachments to
LEARNing Landscapes is an open access online education journal supported by LEARN (Leading English Education and Resource Network). Published in the spring of each year, it attempts to make links between theory and practice and is built upon the principles of partnership, collaboration, inclusion, and attention to multiple perspectives and voices. The material in each publication shares and showcases leading educational ideas, research and practices in Quebec and beyond by including articles, interviews, visual representations, arts-informed and multi-media texts, etcetera, that we hope will inspire teachers, administrators, and other educators to reflect upon and develop innovative possibilities within their own practices.

Deadline for submissions is January 20th, 2024.
Submission Preparation Checklist

Please direct questions to the Guest Co-Editors of this issue:
Jessica Ruglis,
Bronwen Low,

Journal Editor, Lynn Butler-Kisber,