Inhabiting Silence: A Sorry Story

  • Susanne Gannon University of Western Sydney
Keywords: aboriginal, visual arts, collective biography, deconstructive, white teacher, silence, narrative logic, metonymy, symbolism


This paper describes how works created in a visual arts workshop enable the author to work obliquely with stories about teaching Aboriginal children generated in a collective biography. The deconstructive work is framed by Prime Minister Rudd’s 2008 "sorry" speech to Aboriginal Australians and Mazzei’s work on silence with white teachers. The visual arts methodology allows a shift from narrative logic and literal detail to metonymy and symbolism while the materiality of artefacts and art equipment invite particular representations and interpretations to emerge.

How to Cite
Gannon, S. (2008). Inhabiting Silence: A Sorry Story. LEARNing Landscapes, 2(1), 235-244.